Easy FancyBox has a new owner!

Easy FancyBox for WordPress and Easy FancyBox Pro have been acquired by Reactr LLC.

The developer behind Reactr LLC, Erick Danzer, has been playing an active role in the WordPress community for almost 15 years. JavaScript engineer @ Automattic. Formerly founder @ Imagely. Build, acquired, or ran many theme and plugins including NextGEN Gallery, Imagely, Photocrati, TeslaThemes, ShowThemes, and WPRealEstate.

Erick plans to continue to maintain and actively develop both free and pro versions.

Pro payments and automatic renewals are temporarily cancelled but running licenses and pro plugins will remain active. The continued development is assured by the new owner and support has been moved to https://firelightwp.com/

Once new infrastructure is fully in place, users will be able to buy/set up new plans on the new site. Until that time, current pro users will still be able to count on support and can look forward to a loyalty discount when signing up on the new site.

Keep an eye on your Inbox. An email about this will land soon!